UTS – Head of School of Built Environment

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Thank you for your interest in the role with the University of Technology Sydney.

An appointment has now been made with the following announcement released by the Dean, Faculty of Design Architecture and Building.

It gives me great pleasure to let you know that Professor Cathy Killen will continue in the role of Head of School for the remainder of 2020.

Cathy, as you know, was recently promoted as Professor of Project Management, is a highly regarded member of the faculty, has been Associate Head of School, and is currently acting in the role. I greatly appreciate Cathy’s willingness to take on the role, and I know her calm professionalism and her thoughtful approach will benefit the School during these unusual

In 2021 Professor Juaneé Cilliers will become the new Head of School of Built Environment. Professor Cilliers is currently the Head of the Urban and Regional Planning group at the North-West University in South Africa, as well as program leader of research for Sustainable Development, Planning and Implementation.

Juanee’s appointment will add to the faculty’s expertise in this important interdisciplinary area, and provide a fresh strategic perspective on the future of the Built Environment disciplines.

Professor Elizabeth Mossop
Dean, Faculty of Design Architecture and Building
University of Technology Sydney

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