General Manager – LTU Sydney Campus

Thank you for your interest in this role with Navitas.

An appointment has now been made with the following announcement released by the EGM, University Partnerships Australasia.

Dear colleagues

I’m excited to announce that after an extensive search we have successfully appointed a General Manager for the La Trobe University Sydney campus.

Helen Cameron comes to us with a wealth of higher education senior leadership experience, having worked in a number of roles within the Australian university sector. Helen has experience working in both the public and private HE sectors and is going to be a real asset to LTUSC and to Navitas more widely.

I’m really looking forward to working with Helen to achieve our ambitious plans for the campus. She is very excited to be joining the LTUSC team and meeting you all in due course.

Leigh Pointon
Executive General Manager
University Partnerships Australasia

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